Design Canberra Festival Afternoon Design walking tour – Design Canberra Festival

Past event Free event

Afternoon Design walking tour

Modern urban street walking

Deepen your understanding of Canberra’s unique design identity as the DESIGN Canberra architecture experts share some of the stories behind architectural treasures in the CBD.

Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) – an American born writer and activist who upended modernist ideas of city planning and offered a new vision of diverse, fine grained cities made for and by ordinary people – believed that everyone is an expert on the places they live, work and play. In this spirit, walk Mort and Lonsdale Street with architect and urbanist Bronwen Jones and exchange knowledge, tell stories and share experiences about Braddon’s urban environment at street level.

Meet at Haig Park (end of Lonsdale Street) and finish in Civic Square

Free. Bookings essential.

Selected Civic Square festival programs have been made possible with support from the ACT Government under the City Renewal Authority’s City Grants program.

Afternoon Design walking tour
Thu 21 Nov 2019
Past event
Photo: Celia Quattrociocchi
Photo: Celia Quattrociocchi