Lunchtime weaving workshop: Spinners and Weavers – Design Canberra Festival

Lunchtime weaving workshop: Spinners and Weavers
Past event Sold out – join the waiting list

Lunchtime weaving workshop: Spinners and Weavers

Weaving Circle

In this 1-hour lunchtime workshop, participants will learn how to weave and will create a small weaving to keep or to gift to someone they care about. The workshop will begin with a tutorial on how to begin a weaving while outlining different styles and techniques that could be used to make each weaving individual. Once everyone is weaving and underway, the instructors will invite participants to engage in a discussion about weaving and its relationships to acts of care in many different forms.

All materials will be provided on the day including a pre-warped take home frame loom and a handout with the different weaving techniques outlined through the workshop.

Canberra Spinners and Weavers Inc. (CSW) was formed in 1966, is a NFP organisation which brings together people interested in spinning, weaving and all things textile in the ACT and surrounding region. CSW runs monthly members meetings with speakers, drop-in days for technical support and companionship. They meet at Textile Works in Chifley where they have a gallery, materials shop and extensive textile library. CSW offers a range of workshops each year.

Spaces are limited and bookings are essential.


CSW are very mindful of the need to comply with COVID-19 restrictions in the ACT. This workshop will allow for social distancing, participants will use individual equipment, hand sanitiser and disinfectant wipes will be provided. We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust the workshop as needed.

DESIGN Canberra acknowledges the Ngunnawal people as the traditional custodians of the ACT and surrounding areas. We honour and respect their ongoing cultural and spiritual connections to this country and the contribution they make to the life of this city and this region. We aim to respect cultural heritage, customs and beliefs of all Indigenous people.