ANU School of Art and Design. Photo: courtesy of The Australian National University

ANU School of Art and Design

The ANU School of Art and Design equips students with specialised skills for professional careers in the visual arts, media arts and design industries.

Our philosophy embraces an interdisciplinary and flexible approach to art education, where new technologies augment traditional media. Students have access to a range of creative facilities and equipment including our Digital Fabrication Lab and Inkjet Research Facility, as well as a dedicated art library and several multi-purpose gallery spaces.

We are internationally recognised for studio-based teaching across the disciplines of Ceramics, Design, Furniture, Glass, Gold and Silversmithing, Painting, Photography and Media Arts, Printmedia and Drawing, Sculpture and Textiles. Our dedicated Centre for Art History and Art Theory (CAHAT) offers acclaimed courses to develop critical thinking and curatorship skills.