ThinkPlace is a strategic design consultancy, working with leaders to create new and better futures – vibrant communities, strong economies, sustainable environments and trusted institutions. They believe in a positive future world that balances the needs of the collective and those of the individual.
As a global network of studios, ThinkPlace designs with change leaders from the public sector, private sector, and the non-profit and voluntary sector. They work with local and central governments, businesses, industry bodies, not-for-profit organisations, non-government organisations, community organisations, cross-sector partnerships, endowments and foundations, and development agencies.
Creating new and better futures is a team effort that includes those who drive change and those who will experience change. They engage with the complexity and the messiness of real human experiences — how people live, work and play; how people experience products, services, regulations; how they navigate systems they interact with — health, education, energy, economic, regulatory, social welfare, to name a few. This gives them an understanding of the depth of human experience. They also map the breadth of diverse stakeholders that shape the system that people experience. ThinkPlace uncovers their intentions for the system, mapping the different intents.
They use this understanding to generate innovation that meets multiple needs because it is grounded in real human behaviour and broad system understanding. Whether they are working on a large-scale transformation, or designing a small-scale but meaningful change, they work from insight to impact, empowering people to create change that matters. They transform systems to work for people. Design is only as good as the experiences that are generated.
ThinkPlace has a strong core of expertise in collaborative human-centred design, innovation and complex system transformation. They combine these core strengths with relevant approaches such as gamification and big data analytics. They also experiment to find new ways of tackling these challenges and achieve transformation, to build new insight, and to ensure their capabilities evolve and stay relevant.
ThinkPlace has the courage and optimism, as well as the capabilities and reach, to design for positive impact at scale.